Friday, December 28, 2018

TRUST GOD FIRST - One of The Most Inspiring Videos Ever (very powerful!)

a very good movie

New Christmas Movies 2019 | Hallmark romance Movies In December 2018

Hallmark Christmas - The Christmas Shoes ( 2016 ) -Hallmark Christmas M...

God Lives through Us


Today’s Reflection

THE WONDER OF GOD’S COMING is this: God doesn’t want to be our business partner, to relate to us as a favored relative, to live near us or even with us. God wants to live in us and through us. As Matthew 5:14 tells us, we are the light of the world. We are meant to be God’s embodied love. When we obey the claims of Christ, we are God’s continuing incarnation. Embracing one person at a time, we help those we meet to believe that they matter and that they are embraced by God.
– Mary Lou Redding
While We Wait

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Waylon Jennings - I`ve Always Been Crazy


Mike & The Mechanics - Nobody's Perfect HQ

amen, i'm not

Expecting the Unexpecte

Today’s Reflection

CHRISTMAS CELEBRATES THE BIRTH of our Savior and Lord, but sometimes we act as if we think salvation is only about securing a place for ourselves as individuals in Christ’s heavenly kingdom, like James and John who asked Jesus for a seat of honor (Mark 10:35-37). Jesus, however, preached that the kingdom is already at hand, to be enjoyed now in the company of other disciples, and we as Christians are to bring others—the weak, the abandoned, the needy, the lost—into it. Jesus came to save the whole world (John 3:16-17), and we, as stewards of Christ’s reign now, are called to work for the fullness of life—including life’s essentials of food, shelter, clothing, health care, education, security—to all earth’s inhabitants.

– Blair Gilmer Meeks

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

No Room in the Inn

Today’s Reflection

SCHOLARS HAVE BEEN PUZZLED about why Joseph and Mary were supposedly turned away from all homes and even an inn in Bethlehem when hospitality was a nonnegotiable requirement in the Middle East at that time. Joseph would have had many relatives in Bethlehem to welcome them, and even nonrelatives would have welcomed him as Davidic royalty because he was a Bethlehmite.
Here’s an explanation: “For more than a hundred years scholars resident in the Middle East have understood Luke 2:7 as referring to a family room with mangers cut into the floor at one end.” Simple village homes in Palestine had two rooms. One was exclusively for guests (the upper room or “prophet’s chamber”). The other room was the main room where the entire family cooked, ate, slept, and lived.
At the end of that room by the door was a small area that was lower and cordoned off by timber. Into that area each night were brought the family cow, donkey, and a few sheep. (Animals kept the house warm and they were kept safe inside.) Every morning the animals were taken out and the stall cleaned. Scholars surmise the “inn” (katalyma) was probably that guest room. …
This would mean that Joseph and Mary were graciously accepted into the main room with the family because the “inn” or guest room was full. In that main room would have been a manger for the animals that stayed there at night.
– Jan Johnson

No Room in the Inn


Today’s Reflection

SCHOLARS HAVE BEEN PUZZLED about why Joseph and Mary were supposedly turned away from all homes and even an inn in Bethlehem when hospitality was a nonnegotiable requirement in the Middle East at that time. Joseph would have had many relatives in Bethlehem to welcome them, and even nonrelatives would have welcomed him as Davidic royalty because he was a Bethlehmite.
Here’s an explanation: “For more than a hundred years scholars resident in the Middle East have understood Luke 2:7 as referring to a family room with mangers cut into the floor at one end.” Simple village homes in Palestine had two rooms. One was exclusively for guests (the upper room or “prophet’s chamber”). The other room was the main room where the entire family cooked, ate, slept, and lived.
At the end of that room by the door was a small area that was lower and cordoned off by timber. Into that area each night were brought the family cow, donkey, and a few sheep. (Animals kept the house warm and they were kept safe inside.) Every morning the animals were taken out and the stall cleaned. Scholars surmise the “inn” (katalyma) was probably that guest room. …
This would mean that Joseph and Mary were graciously accepted into the main room with the family because the “inn” or guest room was full. In that main room would have been a manger for the animals that stayed there at night.
– Jan Johnson
Taste and See

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

World News , editor ShariRose

World News , editor ShariRose

�� Hallmark Christmas Movies 2018 Full Length �� A Wish for Christmas 2016

taking a break from housework, only 8 days out of hospital,  so i am watching this cute movie, eating chips and drinking cola, i am content, bye bye blessings, thanks for prayers

�� Hallmark Christmas Movies 2018 Full Length �� A Wish for Christmas 2016

The Christmas Story for Kids - The Birth of Jesus Christmas Sunday Schoo...

�� Hallmark Christmas Movies 2018 Matthew1-2

The Original Nativity Birth of Jesus Christ Luke 2 Christian Bible Movie

Early Morning Worship Songs | Good Morning Jesus | Latest 2018 Nigerian ...

�� New Hallmark Movies Full Length 2018 HD | Rocky Mountain Christmas 2017

God’s Presence with Us

Today’s Reflection

Jesus, Emmanuel, God-with-us, Holy One, Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace is born! By any name, we welcome the greatest gift of all: God’s presence with us. From the moment of Creation, God’s image has been embedded in each and every human being. Even so, God realized that we needed a more tangible way of understanding what it means to live into the fullness of God’s image within us. We needed a Light among us to follow. God sent Jesus to light our path, to show us what it means to live fully, and to encourage us to love God, ourselves, and one another.

– Sharon Seyfarth Garner
Mandalas, Candles, and Prayer

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Let Christ Be Born in You

Today’s Reflection

LET CHRIST be born in you!
Let hope be born,
Let love be born.
Let newness of heart be born in you!
Let gentleness be born,
Let truth be born.
Let concern for the poor be born in you!
Let generosity be born,
Let compassion be born.
Let close communion with God be born in you!
Let prayer be born,
Let action be born.
Let the faith to take up your cross and follow be born in you!
And let it lead you in the ways of our Lord,
For the sake of our Lord. Now and always. Amen

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Desert Rose

Desert Rose

World News , editor ShariRose

World News , editor ShariRose

We Wait

The Upper Room


Today’s Reflection

THE ADVENT MESSAGE predicts a future of freedom and hope and also speaks to those of us who have food, education, and secure employment, revealing our need for release from the stranglehold of a lifestyle in which our possessions control us.
It speaks deliverance to those in poverty as well. Jesus lives among us to bring the hope of freedom to everyone who seeks deliverance from oppression and bondage, to those who have much and those who have nothing.
The Advent hymn “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” states, “Jesus Christ was born for this!” This Christmas will not be the same for anyone
  • who has lost a lifelong companion: “Jesus Christ was born for this!”
  • This Christmas will not be the same for anyone
    • who has lost a lifelong companion: “Jesus Christ was born for this!”
    • who is keeping a faithful vigil at the bedside of a loved one for whom the future appears dark and uncertain: “Jesus Christ was born for this!”
    • who is experiencing the deterioration of a relationship within a family or marriage: “Jesus Christ was born for this!”
    • who is burdened by the pain and hurt of abusiveness or abandonment: “Jesus Christ was born for this!”
    The message of Advent is that, whatever our circumstance in life, Jesus Christ was born to be with us wherever we are.
    – John A. Stroman
    Singing Mary’s Song

What Jesus Did!: 'Someone to Doubt for Us?' — John 20:24-25

What Jesus Did!: 'Someone to Doubt for Us?' — John 20:24-25

Psalms 23

Friday, December 14, 2018

I Am with you


Today’s Reflection

“I AM WITH YOU,” God promises Mary through the angel Gabriel. … “I am with you,” God promises Joseph, Mary’s husband-to-be, in a dream. . . .
Promise by promise, the Advent story stretches out, like bands of cloth across a waiting manger. “I am with you,” God promises, through the words of prophets; in the songs of psalmists; from the lips of angels; by a fresh, tiny birth cry in the night.
And intersecting each strand of promise made by God, another promise is placed: from the yes of a girl, by the trust of a man, through the hope of a people, in the flesh of humanity. From the beginning to the end, Jesus Christ embodies God’s promise to the world, for you and for me: “I am with you.”

Thursday, December 6, 2018



Today’s Reflection

IN THE SEASON OF ADVENT we are asked to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, for this manifestation of God in human form. What Christmas proclaims to us is that God was willing to close the gap between divinity and humanity by entering into the human experience, becoming one of us, knowing hunger and thirst, friendship and betrayal, hope and loss, and the agony of death. It’s a lot to take in, the implications of God incarnate. And because we can’t take it in all at once, by participating in the seasons of the church year we have the opportunity to take up the idea again and again as the season rolls around to Advent.
We imagine the birth of Jesus, the smells and sounds of the stable, the brightness of the star, the vulnerability of the baby, and the wonder of the shepherds. The temptation is to stop there and move on, to turn the Nativity into a sentimental tableau that has little meaning for the rest of our lives.
But if we study this idea of incarnation – of Jesus being fully human and fully divine – we must consider that this event comes about because God is trying to tell us something, show us something about God’s nature and our nature, about divinity and humanity and the intersection of those two realms.

– Melissa Tidwell
Embodied Light

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Create Space for God

Today’s Reflection

AS BEST YOU CAN, try to set aside the looming distractions of the season, all the lists and longings that begin to grow as soon as Christmas appears on the calendar. Instead, … create space for God who invites you to choose a different way of living this year, a way of prayer and reflection about the words and days that stretch before you with slow and deliberate holy design.
These next few weeks can be unwrapped as pure gifts from God, who invites you to prepare carefully for the coming of Christ, the birth of God’s most precious gift to the world. The scripture texts … have, for centuries, brought light to the dark places of human hearts and night skies. The practice of prayer has, through the ages, brought breath and calm to a laboring world groaning for newness to be born among us. And a single Word, made flesh, has brought God to us, God-With-Us, Immanuel.
– Pamela C. Hawkins
Simply Wait

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Redemption Is Coming Near


Today’s Reflection

DURING ADVENT we keep our eyes and our hearts open for the coming Christ. Fearless and hopeless people might huddle in the dark with eyes closed against coming destruction. But we as people of hope excitedly await the dawn of Christmas morning. We stand on tiptoe, peering through the darkness to glimpse the gifts of God. Indeed, we stand up tall and raise our heads, for our redemption is coming near.
God, may we watch and wait in joy for the coming of our redemption. Eagerly we pray:Come, Lord Jesus, come. Amen.

– The Upper Room Disciplines 2015